What You Need to Know About Your Health Screenings


What You Need to Know About Your Health Screenings

Health is an overarching state of mind and physical well being where infirmity and illness are absent. Different definitions have been employed over the years for various purposes. However, in most dictionaries, health has been defined as a state in which one physically feels healthy, able to survive, and cope with day to day activities. This definition is inclusive of mental health, but it differs from the mental health used in the hospital. Mental health is the ability to handle day to day stresses and situations in an effective and efficient manner. It is usually measured with an individual’s score on a psychological questionnaire.

The American Psychological Association classifies health problems into two categories: mental health and physical health. Illness or disability is considered a symptom of the respective category in this reference. Mental disorders are based on a person’s difficulties in functioning within their personal and family lives. When a person develops a mental disorder, it can be a result of the interaction with other people, their history, their environment, and many other factors.

Illness can result from both mental and physical conditions. The former can be overcome through therapy and medication. Individuals who suffer from mental disorders require ongoing help and treatment to maintain wellness. Individuals who develop heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, stroke, and cancer can be diagnosed as having a physical illness and require ongoing medical treatment to help prevent serious disease or death. A combination of healthy habits and supplementation can help prevent these diseases from developing.

There are several ways to measure well-being. A common indicator for mental and physical health is general health, which includes the ability to engage in routine physical activities, such as sitting up, walking, and getting daily exercise. A composite index of perceived distress and self-rating healthiness helps identify those individuals who need additional guidance in managing their illness as well as those who can benefit most from treatment to maintain good health.

Those who experience poor mental health, but are otherwise healthy, can benefit from a well-balanced lifestyle. This may include engaging in stress management practices, maintaining a positive concept of well-being, maintaining a balanced diet, and participating in recreational and social activities. A mental health professional will work with individuals to help them determine what specific treatments are necessary for maintaining healthy behaviors and practices while identifying and modifying those behaviors that may be detrimental to mental health. In addition, a health professional will likely work with the patient on a daily basis to help them maintain a positive concept of self-care and physical health.

The goal of this mental health screening is to identify those individuals who may be at risk for developing health conditions, and to modify their lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease development. It is important to note that those who engage in a healthy lifestyle may be at higher risk of developing some types of diseases, even though they may not have developed any of the diseases previous to the screening. These diseases can be difficult to detect due to their subtle nature and often go undetected for long periods of time before an individual is diagnosed with one or more. Screening and early detection can help to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases that can result in years of severe illness and financial loss, as well as to provide individuals with a sense of comfort in knowing that they are not at risk for serious illness or disease development.