How to Stop a Gambling Addiction

Gambling refers to any activity in which an individual stakes money that he/she may win or acquire. Gambling can be confined to a single instance where the outcome is unknown. It can also be a continuous process wherein an individual may be involved in gambling for money over a number of occasions, each of them with an uncertainty as to the outcome. Gambling, thus, needs three factors to exist: risk, consideration, and a bet. These are the reasons why people engage in gambling activities.


The act of gambling involves a higher risk than that involved in other types of activities. The higher risk in gambling often comes from the uncertain results of the activity. This is true in all gambling, but it is especially true with online gambling. Addictions to gambling can also come from the higher risk involved in online gambling, which is more difficult to regulate and control. In the United States, these addictions to gambling are commonly associated with alcohol and substance abuse, though this remains to be said and proven not only on the part of the government but also of gambling addicts themselves.

One more reason why gambling addiction can develop is because the risk of losing is too high. A lotteries and casinos differ a bit in the sense that the risks involved in lotteries and casinos are not as high as those in the probability stores. That being said, gambling is risky. There are a lot of people who have lost a lot of their savings to the machines at the local casinos. For some people, even losing a few hundred dollars from a single machine at a land-based casino is too much, even if they have a lot of luck on their side.

In terms of a solution to gambling addiction, there are some options available. The most common one is to join a support group that focuses on gambling problems. There are support groups for just about any kind of problem, including the kind of addiction to gambling that you have. These groups can be very helpful, even if they do not solve the problem itself.

If you decide that joining a support group is not for you, there are still other forms of treatment out there. Treatment centers for addictions to gambling focus on the problem itself. They help their clients set realistic goals and to maintain them. The gambling addiction counselors will teach their clients how to cut back on their gambling to achieve their goals. Clients are often given guidance on what they should be gambling for.

Treatment centers for gambling behavior may also offer cognitive behavior therapy. This type of treatment is based on the idea that the way we think about gambling behavior is usually the way we act in response to stress. Cognitive behavior therapists will teach their clients to redirect their thinking to more positive and productive applications. This can reduce the stress that causes our gambling addictions in the first place.